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January 8, 2010

Always on Foot. For the last 12 years now I’ve not had a car and either use public transportation, carpool, ride my skateboard, bike or just walk. I tend to walk the most though. Because of this I find it really fun to ride public transportation in places I visit. I also find it really interesting to pass gas stations and see how similar or different they might be to ones I see at home. I took this photo because I really liked the red in the gas station and the yellow car and how they stood out in the scene. Also, I really loved the viking ship logo too.

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January 2, 2010

Under Construction. I thought this images was fitting for a first posting of the year as I have a lot of projects underway and look forward to posting about them in the coming days, weeks and rest of the year. I took this photo on one of my ‘ride the train as far out as I can and get off in a random place’ outings in Stockholm. I really liked all the different colors set against the snow and how brightly the yellows stood out too.

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December 28, 2009

Dark Nights. Before I left to visit Stockholm in the winter I heard so much about the darkness there during the winter time and was a little worried. It turned out to not bother me a bit because there were so many other lights around me. I really loved all the candles and hanging stars in windows. It really made the cold dark weather a whole lot warmer.

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December 18, 2009

Snowy walk. It was freezing out when I was on this walk. I’ve lived in sunny warm California all my life so it was really amazing to get to live someplace in the world that gets snowy. It was totally rad living in a cosmopolitan city in the snow and not having to go to the mountains to see it. This day I was on a long walk to the bus stop and cut through some side streets to find this super icy street that I could bearly walk down. I really loved the yellow houses peaking out of the snow covered trees. Stockholm.

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December 14, 2009

Waiting for Spring. No fences, no chains, no hassles over pads and helmets just ramps sitting out in parks free to use. I really liked this snow covered ramp that was next to my train stop. I love that parks in Stockholm have rad little wood ramps in them. I really wished I’d had my skateboard with me, I didn’t expect to find anything like this when I was living there.

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